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Getting outdoors

Getting outdoors
Bike Track

We are extremely fortunate to have some excellent outdoor areas at Mary Dean's CE Primary School, including our very own bike track which we were able to pay for using PE and Sports Premium funding. 

The track is located in our adjacent field which is used for our annual Sports Days as well as other team sports events. The children love being able to use the track when the weather is dry and sunny. We always ensure the children wear helmets as safety is our biggest concern. 

Outdoor classroom

We have a space on one of our fields called the Outdoor Classroom, where we are able to have forest school activities and other lessons, sometimes offering the children a delicious glass of hot chocolate and a biscuit.

Spiritual Garden

The Spiritual Garden is a beautiful, leafy area where we encourage quiet reflection and chance to explore or hunt for nature in the bug hotels and green surrounds.    

Play equipment

In our playgrounds, we have an extensive amount of play equipment for the children to use at break times and lunchtime so they can burn off some steam before they return to their learning, with basketball nets, a climbing frame, climbing walls, a wobbly bridge and more.   

Mary Dean's CE Primary School and Nursery

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