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The adults in our Nursery team are:

Mrs Speare EYFS Leader

Mrs Barr Nursery Manager

Mrs Harper Deputy Nursery Manager

Miss Coombes Teaching Assistant

Mrs Williams Teaching Assistant

Mrs Marshall Teaching Assistant and Lunch Supervisor

You can see from our welcome page that we aim to give our children the best possible start to their learning journey.  In Nursery, we provide a language rich curriculum and environment, ensuring that we develop children's communication (oracy) skills.  This enables our children to express themselves and develop their social interactions, with the adults and their peers.  By focusing on the 'Prime Areas' of the Early Years' Curriculum (Physical Development, Communication and Language Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development), we ensure our children are ready to start to learn the 'Specific Areas' such as Mathematical Development, Expressive Arts and Design, Literacy and Understanding the World.  We plan for learning opportunities throughout our class bases, our outside area and our school grounds.  Our weekly forest school session helps our children develop a sense of time and experience change through observing seasonal changes and the nature around them. 

Our second topic in the Autumn term is 'People who help us'.  Here is a copy of our topic web with some of the objectives we intend to cover.  Although we have a topic theme to help us plan for learning, we are still free to respond to the wishes and needs of our children and allow time to follow their interests too.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of staff.



Mary Dean's CE Primary School and Nursery

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